Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: My child is 4 and interested in gymnastics. What class would be approriate for them?

A: Between the ages of 18 months and 5 years of age, our classes are strictly age-based and fall under the category of “Preschool”. Once students reach the age of 6 our classes are skill-based and fall under the category of Girls Academy, Boys Academy and Tumbling (co-ed). In these skill- based classes, enrolled students can be anywhere from the age of 6-17 years of age. We do not offer skill-based classes according to age.

For more information on what class would be appropriate for your student, please check out Program Information, then Class Descriptions.

Q: My child is 5 and turning 6 in a few months. Can I enroll her in a Girls Beginner class?

A: Edge allows students to “age-up” or move to the next age-based class, one week before their birthday. This means, for example, that Mini Mites (3 year olds) can move up Mighty Mites (4 year olds), one week before their 4th birthday. Mighty Mites (4 year olds) can move up to Dynamites (5 year olds), one week before their 5th birthday. Dynamites (5 year olds) can move up to Girls Beginner (6 years and up), one week before their 6th birthday.

There are no exceptions to our age policy.

Q: My daughter is 9 years old and watches gymnastics videos and can do cartweels. Can she enroll in Girls Advanced Beginner?

A: Has she taken a formal gymnastics class before? If the answer is no, then most likely, she would need to start in Girls Beginner. Our Girls Academy covers the four traditional gymnastics events: Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor. While your daughter may be more advanced in floor, she will need to complete all of the Beginner skills on the other events in order to be eligible for Girls Advanced Beginner.

If your student has been enrolled in skill based program at another gym and was enrolled in a level higher than Beginner, we would be happy to schedule an evaluation to see where they would fit into our Program. Please create an account online with Edge and give us a call to schedule the evaluation.

Q: Does Edge offer trial classes?

A: Edge does not offer trial classes. We offer is a 30 day new student guarantee. This means that, if you decide, within the first 30 days of enrollment, that Edge is not the right fit for your student, we will refund the $50 annual membership fee plus the cost of any classes that have been paid for but not yet occurred. We believe the 30 day new student guarantee allows our students to better experience our programs than a one class trial.

Q: I would like to add my student to the waitlist. Can I add then to all of your waitlists?

A: Our waitlists are class specific. Edge does not offer a general waitlist at this time. Parents are allowed to add their students to up to 3 class waitlists. To add your student to a waitlist, please create an account online with Edge and give us a call or email us with the days and times of the 3 classes that you would like to add your student to.

Q: How do I drop my child from classes?

A: Written notice must be submitted via the “Drop Form” to the Front Desk by the close of Business on the 25th of the month. The drop form can be found on our website under the “Program Information” tab. Once notice is given, re-enrollment is subject to availability and is not guaranteed.

Q: What if we miss our class?

A: As of 1/1/2023, students may no longer make-up missed classes. The change in our make-up policy is consistent with other gyms in our area and necessitated by our need to staff existing classes as well as difficulty in adequately staffing Open Gym. Missed classes will not result in make-up classes, Open Gym, prorated tuition or refunds.

Q: My child is injured and is restricted from participating in gymnastics. What are my options?

A: Email or bring in a signed doctor’s note, stating the injury and restriction. Drop and Credit: Edge will drop your student on the day that we receive the doctor’s note. Drops cannot be done retroactively. Credit for the remaining classes in the month following the drop date will be placed on your Edge account for when your gymnast is ready to return. Please be aware that your gymnast will lose their spot in their current class and re-enrollment is subject to availability. However, we will bump them to the front of the wait list when they are able to return.

Q: What is your ratio of students to coaches?

A: Kindergym (18 months to 3 years) – 8 to 1 ratio

Preschool (3 to 5 years) – 6 to 1 ratio

Little Ninjas (4-5 years) – 6 to 1 ratio

Academy/Tumbling (6 to 17 years) – 8 to 1 ratio

Q: When are you closed?

A: We are closed for the following holidays and special events: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween (at 5:30pm), Thanksgiving Holiday (Thursday, Friday and Saturday), and Winter Break (December 24, 2025 -January 1, 2026).